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COOK ISLANDS Noni Juice 100% Fresh 500ml


COOK ISLANDS Organic 100% Fresh Noni Juice 500ml.

For more than 2,000 years, the pure juice of the Noni fruit has been widely used in the traditional health practices of the South Pacific. Traditionally known as the Noni fruit or Indian Mulberry.

Traditionally Organic.

The Noni (Morinda Citrifolia plant to use its "proper name") grows well throughout the South Pacific region, but flourishes in the rich volcanic soil in the pristine tropical paradise of the Cook Islands. The fruit is organically grown and processed in a traditional manner to extract a pure quality juice with no additives.

Traditional native specialists throughout the Paciific used Noni as a herbal medicine to treat: arthritis, bowel disorders, allergies, stomach & respiratory disease, bacteria, infections, growth, mouth ulcers, burns, stings, fish poisoning and many other chronic illness. It was also used to reduce swelling and relieve pain, the Noni tree sometimes being known as a Painkiller tree or Headache tree. 

Naturally 100% Organic

Today the unique health-enhancing properties of Noni juice are being hailed by many, including medical and scientific experts, as a remarkable natural alternative to aid the body’s own healing processes.

Recommended Use.

Shake well before opening. Take 20ml of 100% Cook Islands Noni Juice twice daily before meals with your favourite juice for taste. Amount may vary depending on person but traditionally do not exceed 40ml per day. Refrigerate after opening.


100% Morinda Citrifolia fruit extract. Non Pasturised.